Established in 2019, we are the sole agent of Jamon Iberico and Huitres Helie oysters in Hong Kong. We Fischen, as the branch of Fan Fan Shop Limited, source the finest ingredients around the globe, aiming to make fine gourmet food accessible for anyone.
Starting from August 2019, we have established partnership with Hong Kong’s largest online shopping platform HKTVmall through providing a range of products in our very own HKTVmall store. You can now shop our products on HKTVmall or on our FISCHEN estore at the tip of your fingers and get them delivered at your doorsteps.
Shop Address: Unit A, 13/F, Tsuen Tung Factory Building,
38-40 Chai Wan Kok Street, Tsuen Wan
Opening hours: Mon-Fri 11AM-7PM | Sat 11AM-4PM
Sunday & public holidays closed
牌照地址: 九龍觀塘興業街20號聯合興業工業大廈 (不是門市地址)
預先包裝介貝類水產動物: 0351806388
預先包裝供不經烹煮而食用的生蠔: 0351806379
包裹物盛載的冰凍甜點: 0351806397
預先包裝冷藏肉類: 0351806351
預先包裝壽司及刺身: 0351806360
介貝類水產動物(大閘蟹): 0351807220
牌照號碼: 2951812707
製造廠地址:Portion of Flat 13, 5/F, Block B, Hoi Luen Industrial Centre, 55 Hoi Yuen Road, Kwun Tong, HK